Geführte bus tour zum Wasserfall Vøringsfossen

Erleben Sie die Kraft von Nordeuropas größtem Wasserfall Vøringsfossen und besuchen Sie das aufregende norwegische Naturzentrum Hardanger auf dieser geführten Bustour ab Eidjord oder Ulvik.

Kontakt Information


Season: May 15th – September 2nd 2023

The Vøringsfossen waterfall is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular waterfalls in Norway. On this tour, you will get up close and personal with one of Norways most powerful natural wonders.

Tour description

Your guided tour starts from either Eidfjord or Ulvik. From Ulvik you travel by boat to Eidfjord where you embark on a comfortable bus ride up the dramatic Måbødalen hairpin bends to the Vøringsfossen waterfall. During the bus ride, your local and knowledgeable guide will give you an introduction to the waterfall and also provide you with tips on how to get the most out of your experience.

The 145-meter tall waterfall is a mighty sight to behold, and the foaming water from the Hardangervidda mountain plateau cascades into the lush Måbødalen valley. A unique 99-stairs bridge crosses the waterfall and canyon, a walk that is guaranteed to give you some butterflies in your tummy! The bridge, installations, and viewing platforms are great examples of innovative architecture combined with beautiful nature.

On your way back to Eidfjord there will be a 1 hour stop at the Norwegian Nature Center. At this exciting experience center, you can learn more about Norwegian nature, climate, and the environment with interactive stations, innovative teaching technologies, and modern design. The newly refurbished panoramic cinema in the center will give you a unique view of the national park.

We promise an exciting, fun, and educational experience for all ages!

Allgemeine Einrichtungen
Museen, Galerien und Kunsthandwerk
Natur und Landschaft
