Hellebrotet - Jonahorn

A hike up to the characteristic mount Jonahorn with great views over the fjord and village.

Contact information


Starting point

After 5.4 km north of Jondal centre, on road 550, take the sharp right hand turn towards Selsvik. Shortly after leaving the main road you can find the starting point and parking with enough space for a couple of cars. Parking at own risk. You can also find an information board here. Please note that this is a new route. The route and starting point shown on the Hiking map of Jondal is not to be used.

About the trail

The hike starts by the information board. 20 meters further on you can find the hiking sign marking the route to Jonahorn. The route follows the base of a rock wall. You will shortly reach some steps which have been built to assist you up the rock. The hike then continues easily through the woods, on a good and dry path all the way up to Jonahorn. The final incline is a bit steep. Watch your step here; there are some bare tree roots in the path which can be slippery. Just before the top there is a good view down towards Selsvik and a view of the fjord from the top.

Parking: see "starting point"
Parking fee: free
Length: 1,6 km
Total walking time: 2 hours
Season: May - November 

