Sentralbadet Litteraturhus

Sentralbadet literature house is a cultural center on the factory site in downtown Odda.


Sentralbadet literature house is a cultural center on the factory site in downtown Odda. Odda is an important city in the literature and literature is important in Odda. The festival Litteratursymposiet in October is the engine of the literature initiative. Sentralbadet is working to strengthen Odda as a literary city. Throughout the year, they organize different cultural events. Also, they are the main arena for other organizers such as Litteratursymposiet, Jernrosa political literature festival, Cider Festival, Hardanger gaming festival, etc. They have rooms available for meetings and festive events. They are committed to promoting local history and culture. On Saturdays from. 5 pm - 10 pm, they have a Cider bar where they serve local specialties and telling local stories.
