Hardangerfjord sightseeing

Experience the Hardangerfjord at its best on a fjord cruise through the Hardangerfjord together with Norled tourist boat route.



Daily fjordcruise departing Norheimsund in the morning to Eidfjord. Calling the ports of Herand, Utne, Lofthus, Kinsarvik, Ulvik and Eidfjord. Return in the evening. Corresponding bus from Bergen 07:25, return from Norheimsund 17:45. In Eidfjord you can join the sightseeing going to Hardangervidda Nature Centre and Vøringsfossen waterfall.


Corresponding bus from Bergen 07:25, route 925. Arrives in Norheimsund 08:50


Båt Norheimsund 09:00

Herand 09:23

Utne 09:55

Lofthus 10:15

Kinsarvik 10:33

Ulvik 11:15

Eidfjord 11:45

Båt Eidfjord 15:25

Ulvik 16:00

Kinsarvik 16:40

Lofthus 17:00

Utne 17:20

Herand 17:52

Norheimsund 18:15

Corresponding bus to Bergen 18:59, route 925. Arrives in Bergen 20:25
