Jordalsnuten in Odda offer a spectacular panoramic view towards majestic mountains, the Hardangerfjord, Folgefonna glacier and deep valleys.


Jordalsnuten in Odda lies 1043 meters above sea level and is another one of Hardanger's spectacular viewpoints. Majesticly located between Buerdalen valley and Strand waterfall along Sandvinsvatnet lake Jordalsnuten offer a spectacular 360 degree panoramic view towards the Hardangerfjord, mountains and Folgefonna glacier arms. The hike is approx. 12 km long and starts from Strand with a steep ascent up a constructed stair with stepping stones. The hike is estimated to take approx. 4-6 hours. On the left side of the path Strand waterfall rushes down the mountain side and creates a mystical and enchanted atmosphere. After the first ascent you reach Fossasete and Fossasete lake approx. 505 meters above sea level. From here the path continues north for the lake up to Liasete and Liasete lake approx. 647 meters above sea level. As you come higher in the terrain Folgefonna glacier with the glacier arm Buarbreen flacier comes more to sight. From here you can choose between different paths as one of the pathways takes you to mount Reinanuten and Buerdalen valley, and one takes you to the top of Jordalsnuten. The path to Jordalsnuten is steep, but the terrain flattens out after a couple of hundred height meters as you reach the ridge of Jordalsnuten. The last part of the hike goes along the ridge in a steady ascent to the top. The panoramic views towards Sandvinsvatnet lake, the centre of Odda, the Hardangerfjord and the mountains around Tyssedal and Røldal combined with the views towards Folgefonna and Buarbreen glacier and the massive Buerdalen valley in the other direction are truly a breathtaking sight. The return down from Jordalsnuten follows the same route as up, alternatively down Buerdalen valley which is a somewhat longer hike. 


Start: Strand beside Sandvinsvatnet lake. From Odda, follow the road towards Buerdalen valley. At the crossroad Buer/Strand drive towards Strand and drive until you reach the parking area at Strand on your right. 

Parkering: Free parking at Strand. 

Total elevation gain: 1330 height meters.

Estimated duration 4-6 hours 

Sesong:  June to September 

