Store Naa Siderkompani is an award-winning apple juice and cider producer from Hardanger. Idyllically situated on the family-run farm in Nå in Sørfjorden.



Along the steep mountainsides on the west side of Sørfjorden in Ullensvang, more precisely on Nå, you will find Store Naa Siderkompani. Here, Eirik Nå Aga and his ancestors have been farming since 1724. What began as a "completely normal farm" has now developed into an award-winning cidery. The farm can now boast several prestigious awards, including two World Championship prizes for their cider products 57/2 – Brudeferd and 57/2 Kårkall. In addition to these products, the producer also offers several other ciders and apple juices. The common denominator is that they are made from apples and other raw materials grown on the farm – including black and red currants.

The fruity products are available from the farm shop throughout the year. In the spring and summer (May – September), they offer two daily cider tastings at the farm, which correspond with The Fjords' "cider boat". The tasting takes about 1 hour and includes a walk in the orchard, storytelling, and light snacks.

Prices from 500 NOK.

Welcome to Store Naa Siderkompani!



Price (NOK)*
for cider tastings
*Price from