Torsnes - Daurmålsdalen

A hike in valley landscape in-between mountains, in forests, and along a waterfall.

Contact information


Starting point

Follow road 107, going south from Jondal centre. After about 5.5 km take the first road leaving to the right at the roundabout. After 1.2 km take a left turn towards Stølheim. If continuing by car a toll fee is asked. The pay point is 0.4 km further up the road. There is an information board, describing the hikes relating to this area. Follow the road about 0.5 km and turn to the right (at the Daurmålsdalen sign). After a couple of hundred meters look for a new sign marking the trail to Daurmålsdalen. Cars can park on the side of the road. Parking at own risk.

About the trail

The path starts in a spruce forest and continues through deciduous and pine woods until arriving at the valley called Daurmålsdalen. There are a few inclines after the spruce forest where the bare rock can get a bit slippery. The path is otherwise a good one. After arriving at Daurmålsdalen you pass a cabin and continue into the valley on the east side of the river. At the end of this beautiful valley the path takes a steep incline, following the waterfall coming from the lake, Demmevatnet. (If the snow has been slow in melting, there might still be a snowfield covering the path and the waterfall here. In this case we advise you not to continue). It’s not far from the top of the incline to the watershed leading out of Demmevatnet. The hiking markers stop here. 

Parking: see "starting point"

Parking fee: free, but you have to pay a road toll fee to drive up to the parking. 

Length: 4km

Total walking time: 5-6 hours

Season: July - November 

Difficulty/ grading: Red, demanding. 
