Vetlavatnet - Breidsete

A hike in lush valley landscape and mountain landscape, with lakes and mountain farms along the way.

Contact information


Starting point

May – OctoberMay – OctoberFollow road 107, going south from Jondal centre. After about 5.5 km take the first road leaving to the right at the roundabout. After 1.2 km take a left turn towards Stølheim. If continuing by car a toll fee is asked. The pay point is 0.4 km further up the road. There is an information board, describing the hikes relating to this area. You arrive at a good car park about 2 km up from the main road, just before the lake, Vetlavatnet. Parking at own risk.

About the trail

Take the gravel road towards Fjelltveit. Follow the hiking marker to the left and over a bridge. Continue through the partly marshy woods until you reach Vassvikane. Here you can find the hiking sign marking the route to Fjelltveit (at this path junction you can choose to loop back to the hike to Torsnes). The path along Torsnesvatnet is good and passes through luxuriant woodland and screes until it arrives at the mountain cabins of Fjelltveit. (Here you can change to the hike to Glomsdalsskardet.) Follow the hiking sign to Breidsete, up towards Torsnesmyrane. The path is around the edge of the marsh, partly in the woods and partly marsh. At one point you have to cross a stream. This might mean having to wade during the snow melting or after heavy rainfall. At the end of Torsnesmyrane you come to a junction in the path (at this point you can change to the marked hike to Fjellstøl.) Continue towards Breidsete. Shortly you will be able to view the mountain cabins. The path goes down to a bridge, then up 100 m to finish at the end of the road. The information board at Breidsete gives information about all the hikes which start or stop here.

Parking: see "starting point"

Parking fee: free, but there is a road toll fee to drive to the parking. 

Length: 6,2km

Total walking time: 5 hours. 

Season: May - November 

Difficulty/ grading: Blue, medium 

