Gangdal - Grønrimb

Hike to Grønrimb and its cabin farms through the valley landscape.

Contact information


Starting point

Follow road 107, going south from Jondal centre. After about 5.5 km take the first road leaving to the right at the roundabout. After another 5.6 km you arrive at Gangdal. The information board and hiking signs marking the route to Grønrimb are on the left hand side of the road. If arriving by car, find a spot along the main road to park. Parking at own risk.

About the trail

Take the farm road up towards the farmhouse. Find the hiking sign just above the buildings. The path follows the valley all the way up to the mountain cabins at Grønrimb. At the start you pass through a spruce forest after which a lesser pine and birch wood takes you up to the tree line. The path is good, although you might find some wet and slippery bits close to the stream. At Grønrimb you can choose to move on to the other hikes leading to Grønrimb.  All these have information boards at the main road. 

Parking: see "starting point"

Parking fee: free

Length: 2,6km

Total walking time: 3 hours 

Season: May - November 

Difficulty/ grading: Blue, medium

