
Utne: Utne-Utnesdalen-Grønaskar-Grimsnuten Start: Utne Hotel End: Grimsnuten Parking: by Utne Church Public transport: Local bus from Odda, ferry from Kinsarvik and Kvanndal. Expressboat from Norhe...

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Utne: Utne-Utnesdalen-Grønaskar-Grimsnuten

Start: Utne Hotel

End: Grimsnuten

Parking: by Utne Church

Public transport: Local bus from Odda, ferry from Kinsarvik and Kvanndal. Expressboat from Norheimsund.

Marking: there is an information board with map by Utne Hotel

Difficulty: Demanding.

Highest point: 1233 masl.

Time: 4 hours one way

Advice: By map With description at Utne Hotel or at the Hardanger Folk Museum . Wear hiking boots and bring food.

Description: This is a demanding hike to a peak with spectacular view. Follow the path/ drit road from Utne Hotel to the crossroads by the shooting range, then continue to another crossroads at Dalset, then og past Øvstestølen and Grønaskar southwards to Grimsnuten.

Alternative: Utne-Utnesdalen-Grønaskar-Demmena.

Difficulty: Intermediate.

Highest point: 910 masl.

Time: 3.5 hours one way 

Advice: Buy map with description at Utne Hotel or at the  Hardanger Folk Museum. Wear hiking boots and bring food.

Description: Follow the path/ drit road from Utne Hotel to the crossroads by the shooting range, then continue to another crossroads at Dalset, then og past Øvstestølen to Grønaskår. Follow track from Grønaskår west- northwards to Demmena.

