Solhaug - Fodnastøl - Vatnasete

Roundtrip Solhaug - Fodnastøl - Vatnasete with waterfalls, great views and idyllic mountain farms

Contact information


Starting point 

2 km Northeast of Herand quay you leave road 550 and head East on a forest road just before the bridge at Samland. You have to pay a small toll road fee here. After 1.8 km there is a sign towards Solhaug to the left. Drive to the end of this road. There is space for a few cars, please make sure there is room for other cars to turn around here. 

About the trail 

By the parking at Solhaug there is an information board and a sign towards Fodnastøl. The trail is well kept and in forest terrain, with marshes in some places. When you can see the Fodnastølsfossen waterfall the trail divides. This hike is a roundtrip and in this hiking description we first send you towards Fodnastøl, but if you take the opposite direction towards Vatnasete the level of difficulty will be pretty much the same. When you have started walking towards Fodnastøl you will soon arrive at the waterfall. This is a very nice waterfall, especially when the snow melts in the mountains or after heavy rainfall. The trail continues close to the waterfall and along the lake. When you get to the end of the lake you can see Fodnastøl on the other side of the lake. The trail continue to Vatnasetevatnet lake, along the lake until the trail divides. From here there are signs towards Solhaug. 

Parking: At Solhaug
Parking fee: free, to drive up to Solhaug you need to pay a toll road fee. 
Length: 5.6  km
Total walking time: 3 hours
Season (average year): May - November
Difficulty: Blue, medium 

