Trolls and where to find them in Hardanger

Vøringsfossen fottur Marvin 8

3 tips for where you can find traces of trolls in the adventurous nature of Hardanger.


Many people probably think of glaciers, the blossoming or the fjord when someone says "Hardanger". But did you know that you can also find traces of trolls here in the region? It is precisely in deep valleys, vast expanses and remote fjord arms that Trolls likes its best. And here in the region, there are plenty of examples of adventurous nature experiences that could be taken straight out of a fairytale.

Trolltunga 2

When you first decide to go troll hunting in Hardanger, we must mention Norway's most spectacular rock formation. Trolltunga, accessible with a guide all year round, is surrounded by landscapes where trolls feel at home.

Did you know that according to local legends, Trolltunga is the result of a troll which turned to stone when it yawned at the sun? People can't seem to entirely agree, but what is certain is that Trolltunga offers a nature experience you won't get anywhere else in the world.


Not far from Trolltunga, specifically in Oddadalen, you can find traces of various mythological creatures. In this valley, also known as the "valley of waterfalls", the waterfalls are located like pearls on a string. Along the stretch towards Låtefoss, many giant rocks have tumbled down the steep mountainsides.

Perhaps these are traces of the troll that solidified to stone on Trolltunga? Who knows...

Latefoss haust web

In the other part of the valley, you can find Vikinghaug Apartments, perhaps best known as "Jutulheim" in the Netflix series Ragnarok.

At Vøringsfossen, the most famous of its kind in Norway, you can see enormous amounts of water plunging 182 meters from the Hardangervidda mountain plateau into Måbødalen. In the valley that leads into the waterfall, you get close to nature taken straight out of a fairy tale book. Given the deep valley sides, thousands of stones, and large expanses, it is easy to understand that this was a popular destination for trolls back in the day.

Vøringsfossen av Simon Sjøkvist 2

These are just some of the many adventurous experiences you can take part in while troll hunting in Hardanger. Find inspiration for your next exploration here!

PS: Watch the new movie «Troll» on Netflix!

Troll hunting in Hardanger



Trolltunga - also known as the Troll's Tongue - is the most spectacular rock formation in Norway. At 1180 meters above sea level, is lies about 700 meters above the lake Ringedalsvatnet. From the top, you have a fantastic view. The hike to Trolltunga starts in Skjeggedal and leads through the high mountains.

The Valley of Waterfalls

The Valley of Waterfalls

Oddadalen - a beautiful piece of untouched countryside along Route 13! In this unique valley the waterfalls are lined up like pearls on a string within a radius of only a few kilometres. The waterfalls are: Tjørnadals...



Experience the Vøringsfossen waterfall - the most famous waterfall in Norway!

Låtefoss Waterfall

Låtefoss Waterfall

The twin waterfall Låtefossen in the Odda valley has a height of 165 meters and has been a popular travel destination since the 19th century. The waterfall is easily accessible - located directly by the main road 13 between Odda and Rødal.

Four beautiful waterfalls, Husedalen valley

Four beautiful waterfalls, Husedalen valley

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Vikinghaug Apartments

Vikinghaug Apartments

With fantastic views of water, waterfalls, mountains, fjord, and glaciers, you will find Vikinghaug Apartments in Odda. The guests live in large, spacious apartments with three to four bedrooms, bathroom, toilet, kitchen and living room.

Trolltunga Hotel

Trolltunga Hotel

Sleep comfortably in beautiful surroundings at Trolltunga Hotel in Odda, Hardanger. The hotel has been recently upgraded and offers rooms in all price ranges.

Hotel Ullensvang

Hotel Ullensvang

In the middle of Norway's largest orchard, the Hotel Ullensvang is idyllically located by the shore of the Hardangerfjord in Lofthus. Here you can not only enjoy comfortable rooms with fantastic fjord view and good meals in the hotel restaurant, but also a sauna with a panoramic view of the fjord and an excellent bath area with indoor and outdoor pools.

Hardangervidda National Park

Hardangervidda National Park

Hardangervidda National Park is the largest national park in Norway. This vast mountain plateau offers excellent hiking opportunities for both seasoned hikers and recreational hikers.  

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