Røldalssåta (summit hike)

Location: Røldal Map:  Statens Kartverk "Røldal"   1 : 50 000   Start- and endingpoint:  From Røldal village center follow E134 5km towards Odda, take left on the exit by RV520 towards Sauda. Drive 7km and ...

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Location: Røldal

Map:  Statens Kartverk ”Røldal”   1 : 50 000  

Start- and endingpoint:  From Røldal village center follow E134 5km towards Odda, take left on the exit by RV520 towards Sauda. Drive 7km and stop by the Halvfjerdingslake.

Season: July & August (possible to hike also last part of June/first part
of September – but be aware that parts of the route could be covered with snow)

Parking: Along RV520

Public transportation to start- and endingpoint: No public bus trasportation available on RV520, 7-8km hiking one way from Røldal Alpingrend / Hordatun.

Signage: The starting point is marked with a starting board by Halvfjerdings lake along RV520, the path is marked to the top of Røldalssåta with green signs. The top is marked with a top sign indicating meter above sea level.

Category: Red

 Height difference: 502m (Start: 902 m.a.s.l. Top: 1422 m.a.s.l.)

 Length: 4,8 km

 Time: 4-6h

Choose a day with nice weather for the hike to take advantage of the great views on the tops. The terrain is steep so do not forget good shoes, be aware of slippery parts on rainy days.

A hike with a steep slope that is demanding both up and down, a lot of walking on stones and rocky surfaces, but no "climbing". Well on top however, you are rewarded with gorgeous views in all directions. On clear days you can see all the way to Stavanger and out to the ocean. Bring extra clothes, the peak-mountains can be cold.  
The tour starts by the RV520 (National Tourist Routes Ryfylke, closed in the winter from November to June).  Hilly for the first 300m, follow the markers along the lake until you reach the "end". From here follow a natural "scores" in the mountains that runs in north-easterly direction. Well up in the mountains you arrive a little east of Røldalssåta and must go west to reach the top. Såta has two peaks, but it is the one furthers west that is the tallest and the goal for the trip.


Nature and terrain
